
Eu4 wiki formable nations
Eu4 wiki formable nations

eu4 wiki formable nations eu4 wiki formable nations

A challange.Ħ)Sassanid/Zoroastrian Persia - i see that there is already a normal persia, an ilkhanate, but a separate Zoroastiran Persia should definately be a thing. A union between poland, lithuania, bohemia and hungry. Far less to say - historical region, idea rival of bavaria, one more option for HRE minor.Ĥ)Scandinavia (Norse pagan) - a swedish/norwegian/dansih norse pagan controlling the whole region should be rewarded with powerful military-colonizer(hello, Vinland) ideas coupled with comprehensive mission tree to reclaim all territories, held by danes,normans,varas etc - normandy,england,south italy,rus.ĥ)Jagellonian Empire - a dream, nearly became a reality, but torn to pieces by the varna crusade. I see that thing as part of HRE content pack - Lotharingia as part of HRE should become an extra elector.ģ)Franconia. I think of it as a way to Burgundy for reform AND become a part of HRE. The king title is the thing that Philip III and Charles the Bold strived. So it's only fair, that france/england controlling york,london,paris,orleans,toulouse, tech 10 can form empire rank state.Ģ)Lotharingia - historical Karling kingom in past, in 1444 one of the dreams of Burgundian dukes. And there were (in)famous proposition of 1941 after fall of France. As of 1444 the Hundred Years War isn't finished yet and the english intent was clear - english monarch on the french throne. There were many suggestions about that topic, but i want a compilation of all that are missing right now.ġ)Anglo-French Union aka Anegevin Empire.

Eu4 wiki formable nations